About the Client

A private water distribution company working on PPP model for Tier 2 city in India.

Client Problem

Client had appointed an vendor to perform full-city Customer Indexing. The activities included GIS mapping of the city, DGPS survey, Base map creation, Consumer Survey and Map updations. The Customer Indexing Data submitted by the vendor was found to be of low quality in terms of accuracy and completeness of the data thereby causing delays in data submissions to various departments impacting their initiatives.

The Solution

  • pManifold was mandated as an independent agency to (1) perform quality audits on the data submissions being made by the vendor thereby reducing client bandwidth on the same (2) provide regular inputs on the process improvement.
  • pManifold team deployed included 1 desk QA, 1 field QA and a project manager.
  • To enhance the quality checks in the overall data collection methodology, pManifold executed process-compliance reviews and quality gates to check on the completeness and accuracy of the data being collected on-field randomly sampling information being collected
  • The team provided periodic analysis and reporting of data quality, project progress, issues and concerns and helped the client and vendor by resolving various issues of contention.
  • As a value addition, pManifold engaged with the client to understand their requirements from the Customer Indexing process and built consensus amongst internal teams of the client. Based on the new set of requirements, pManifold team re-designed the consumer indexing process to make it smoother, simpler and quicker.

Results/ Benefits to Client

  • Brought consensus amongst internal stakeholders including Works Team, Hydraulic Team, Customer Service Team, Social Welfare Team, Accounts & Finance Team etc with respect to data requirements for customer indexing.
  • Reduced questionnaire load (# of questions) by 30% while maintaining completeness of data for all teams
  • Improved data quality from 35% to 90%+ by
  • Changed survey questionnaire flow and organization from business function wise approach to consumer interview approach leading to reduction in survey interview time by 25%
  • Standardized the process to make it convenient for the client Utility to switch over to a Multi-Vendor strategy for customer indexing instead of relying on a single vendor thus improving time to completion, reducing risk and improving quality through healthy competition

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