Refer A Friend

Refer Someone you know and Earn EVA Credit Points

Which you can use to avail following benefits

Know the Benefits

  1. Referring primarily as a co-trainee: Referer refers people to the same course (s)he is taking (or taken in past), (s)he earns 50 credit points per person refered while each refered candidates earns 20 credit points each.
  2. Referring primarily as an earner: Referer refers people to any course without taking / having taken the course him/herself, (s)he earns 20 credit points per person refered while each refered candidates also earns 20 credit points each.

Redeeming credit points:

1 credit point = 100 INR fees discount on EV Academy Courses. Can be accumulated and retained for maximum 6 months from the date of credit for validity of redemption.

  1. Can be fully or partially (of individual credit point balance) redeemed at the time of registering for EV Academy courses as part of course fee (not applicable for LMS and exam fee of 1,947 INR) for upto 90% of the fee amount including GST.
  2. Can be transferred to any candidate registering, including the person referred but the validity will be based on date of original issue and not the date of transfer.
  3. Can be fully or partially (of individual credit point balance) redeemed for extending LMS access beyond provided as part of course registration at 1 credit point / month to a maximum of 3 months extension and 3 credit points redemption.

    We thank you for choosing us to upgrade your EV Skills. Please share the details below.

    Your Name :

    Your Email :

    Your Phone :

    Have you taken any training program in the past? :

    Program Undertaken :

    Batch Number :

    Whom would you like to refer the trainings by pManifold EV Academy:

    Name :

    Email :

    Phone Number :

    Training Program :
